Listen tae the podcast here:
more Me on the award winning The Allusionist podcast talking aboot growin up talkin Scots

Listen tae the podcast here:
more Ma talk in the Auld Kirk intro.
more Check in tae Annville live on Facebook fur a limitit time ainly tae watch the live readthro o the pley A’ve been language advisor on! Efter there’ll be a panel discussion wi masel, Martin Travers, the pleywrocht, Amanda Gaughan, the Director, Heather Spears, author o the buik an Prof Kirstie Blair.
more Whit a delicht fir tae be a pairt o this!
more We’re a feature on STV News!
more A gie some #aspirationaladvice in #Scots #Scotslanguage for the RSE @YoungAcademySco @rachaelejack
— Michael Dempster (@DrMDempster) July 18, 2017
Alistair Heather @Historic_Ally gies some #aspirationaladvice in #Scots #Scotslanguage for the RSE @YoungAcademySco @rachaelejack
— Michael Dempster (@DrMDempster) July 18, 2017
Pit a stoot hert tae […]
more Moniaive or Bust
Moniaive or Bust, Michael Dempster.
Hit’s the nicht afore A’m giein ma brent new lecture Scots Language in Comics (142AD tae 2017) at the Moniaive Comic Festival an hit’s jist dawnt on me, A hivnae mindit tae pick up Susan Rennie’s Scots language Tintin buik: The Derk Isle. Hit’s got ae […]
more Take Me Home Country Roads
With the breadth and range of conventions that line the horizon of British comic fandom, you need to pick and choose which events you are going to attend to get the best bang for your buck.
But how do you measure that bang? Is it in the comics you can […]