A swatch o The Magic Flute Irvine performance

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The premier o ma owersettin o The Magic Flute intae Scots!

Twa astoonin performances!


At harbour arts cntr for mozarts magic flute by scots opera project @DrMDempster 👋 pic.twitter.com/7xFGJmtWWT

— Emma Harper, MSP (@EmmaSNPHarper) August 12, 2017

.@HACIrvine @OperaScots Braw performance the nicht! Mozart's Magic flute in Scots. Directed by David Douglas, translated by @DrMDempster pic.twitter.com/FPjizzTNud

— Emma Harper, MSP […]

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Scots Magic Flute on STV!

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Scots roon aboot Irvine herbor

There a wheen o Scots aboot the place!

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Rehearsals an Vocal coachin ma translation intae Scots o Mozart’s Magic Flute

Doon at the Herbour airts centre in Irvine coachin the sangsters in Dempster’s Scots Phonetic method fir ma translation o The Magic Flute!

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