‘O’ is for Hoolet at The Gaiety in Ayr!

The day A wis at twa primary schuils in Maybole , Cairn Primary an St Cuthbert’s Primary giein clesses on Scots. Hit wis Awesome!
Cairn Primary’s gaun trilingual wi permanent dispays in English, Scots an French. Ye cannae whack hit!
more We’d a rare day in Elgin seein the cathedral then a grand performance in the evenin ben The Droothy Cobbler.
more The Mill theatre in Thurso is a great wee venue!
more We played to Ullapool at the Macphail Centre.
more The wirkshop here wis ane o the best. The bairns aw kent hunners o Scots wirds!
I really enjoyed this secion. I ken that Scots isn’t used as often nowadays, but seeing someone as fluent and enthusiastic to teach Scots was awsome! Keep the good work going!
I thought it was useful to know […]
more Haed a guid wirkshop on Scots language wi local gruip.
Banter (enjoyed)
A rerr show! Affae guid fir tae see Ishbel’s hame crood.
more Airyhall primary clesses in the morn.
Good fun, Good for children to learn Scots words in a fun way. Try to carry it on in class and hopefully learn more.
An a brilliant wirkshop an flytin wi Aiberdeen Perfomin Airts Youth Theatre Seniors!
Competition was a way to get involved which I’ve never seen […]
more At the quayside Hippodrome in guid time.
A taen a daunner doon the Maritime Museum an caught sicht o some phissogs!
An ma lugs wis fult wi bonnie sangs fae the Fisher Lassies!
Efter a fully selt oot shew we decidit fir tae dae a midnicht flit back tae Glesga afore the […]
more We’re at the bonnie Mac Arts centre in Galla.
A magic wirkshop wi the Borders Youth Theatre. Mair than A expectit, hauf the gruip wis due at Eyemooth the morra, but wird in the Steamie haed them thinkin they’d got their dates wrang! The mair the better 😀
I liked learning lots of new Scottish […]